2019-03-23 23:59:51 UTC
A roundabout I travel over some times feels like the straight ahead
exit is well to the right, as the lead on road and the road I want are
beyond 180° I feel a signal (right indicator) is required. However
following lots of cars today no-one seemed to signal including a learner
driver but as he signaled off and was generally doing everything right
I felt the instructor hadn't said "now remember to indicate here".
However on looking at it on Google to see if the layout was as in my
mind saw that I was correct the off road was well past 180° to the lead-
on road, BUT looking at the environs the roundabout is very much on a
curve, and the off-road at 200° or so is very definitely the second exit
so would YOU signal or not?
(caution site [not image] maybe NSFW.
Lots of Russian ladies after your bod.)
exit is well to the right, as the lead on road and the road I want are
beyond 180° I feel a signal (right indicator) is required. However
following lots of cars today no-one seemed to signal including a learner
driver but as he signaled off and was generally doing everything right
I felt the instructor hadn't said "now remember to indicate here".
However on looking at it on Google to see if the layout was as in my
mind saw that I was correct the off road was well past 180° to the lead-
on road, BUT looking at the environs the roundabout is very much on a
curve, and the off-road at 200° or so is very definitely the second exit
so would YOU signal or not?
(caution site [not image] maybe NSFW.
Lots of Russian ladies after your bod.)